"Why am I always hungry"? 5 reasons why your hunger goes through the roof

Do you feel like you’re eating a decent amount of foods but always find yourself being hungry quickly after your meal?

Here are 5 most probable reasons why your hunger doesn’t go away.

“Why am I always hungry?”: 5 possible reasons

You’re not eating enough protein

Protein is known to keep you fuller for longer. This macronutrient has the ability to increase the production of hormones that make you feel full and reduce the levels of hormones that make you hungry.

The first thing I get my online coaching clients to do when they’re always hungry is to include one source of protein in every meal, starting with breakfast. This is a great way to reduce the mid-morning cravings!

Some great sources of protein are for instance eggs, fish, meat but also pulses, tofu, soya and some seeds.

For more tips, you can also check out these 8 easy ways to reduce hunger and cravings when dieting.

You’re eating too many refined carbs

Processed carbs contain less nutrients such as fibre than non-processed carbs. The most popular source of refined carbs is white flour, which you find in white bread and pasta.

Soda, biscuits, cereals and many baked goods contained processed sugars and fall into the refined carb category.

This is the lack of fibre that is responsible for your hunger. Indeed, low-fibre foods are quickly digested, meaning that you will get hungry much faster than if you consume complex carbs (such as grains, sweet potato, oats…).

Plus, refined carbs are famous to make your blood sugar spike up then down very quickly due to the insulin secretion, leaving you feeling like you need more food.

You’re not eating enough healthy fats

Fats take longer than carbs to be digested and they are thought, just like protein, to release hormones responsible for making you feel full.

Reminder: eating fats doesn’t make you fat. Whether you are trying to maintain or lose weight, make sure to still include healthy fats in your diet every day! For instance: eggs, avocado, olive oil, salmon, nuts…

Some essential fatty acids such as Omega-3s are vital for your optimal health but can’t be produced by your body. Therefore, you need them in your diet. If you don’t like fish, here are awesome plant-based Omega-3s sources .

You need to drink more water

More often than you think, you are not hungry. You’re just thirsty. Another great reason to drink more water is that it can have appetite-reducing properties.

Therefore, you can try having a big glass of water before a meal and in between meals to manage your hunger.

You’re eating too fast

To make it simple: the faster you eat, the less time you give your brain to send you satiety signals. Therefore, you finish your plate way before you get a chance to feel full.

Studies are showing that eating fast is linked to an increased appetite as well as higher chances of being overweight.

If you eat in less than 10 minutes, here are a few tips to slow things down: put down your fork in between bites. Chew at least 20 times before swallowing. Only focus on eating (no screens, no distractions).
Check out more mindful eating tips here.

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