Full body landmine workout

The landmine is a very versatile piece of equipment which doesn’t always get the credit it deserves. It allows you to work every single muscle group, including your abs. Here’s a full body landmine workout you might want to try.

The benefits of single equipment workouts

I’m all about combining a variety of machines, free weights and bodyweight exercises at the gym but sometimes the best way to have a great workout is to use one single piece of equipment, for instance:

  • when you’re in a rush and want to save time. By using one piece of equipment, you don’t have to spend time adjusting machines, putting things away and cleaning between each exercise.

  • when your gym is busy and not much is available

Now, the only downside is that someone may want to use that piece of equipment you’re using for your whole session. It’s always best to keep your single equipment workouts fairly short and be as effective as possible.

Full body landmine workout

First, always make sure to warm up :)

How to adapt it to your level?

If you’re a beginner, I’d recommend aiming for 3 sets of each exercise, 10 to 12 reps per set. For each exercise, load the bar appropriately. You should only start struggling around the 8th reps and should be able to complete 10 reps.

If you have some lifting experience and are looking to increase your strength, aim for 3 sets of 5-8 reps per exercise. If you find each rep challenging but manage to do at least 5 per set, then you’ve selected the right weight. If you could do more than 8, then you can add some load.

Let me remind you that the most effective workout programme is the one that is specifically tailored to your goals and own abilities. Did you know that I create bespoke workout plans for less than £50? Click below to find out more.

The full body workout

  • T-bar row for your back muscles. Here is a detailed tutorial on this exercise.

  • Kneeling landmine chest press for your pectorals and triceps.

  • Landmine squats, a great squat variation that can help you squat deeper and engage your core.

  • Landmine Romanian deadlifts for your hamstrings. You may find this variation easier to maintain good posture than the regular barbell RDL

  • Landmine rotations which are a great core stability exercise. Training your core to resist the rotation makes it stronger and helps you improve your posture and performance in other lifts.

Watch the video tutorial and give it a go!

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