What is the best home gym equipment for less than £50? | Cheap fitness accessories in stock now!

With gyms being closed during lockdown, a lot of people have invested in some home gym equipment to keep exercising at home, which is amazing!

But if you’re late to the party, buying a pair of dumbbells at a decent price isn’t that easy anymore. Plus, you might not want to spend a fortune in home fitness equipment.

I’ve gathered a selection of home fitness accessories that are worth buying, actually in stock (at least when writing this article) and cost less than £50!

Home Fitness Equipment for less than £50: my top picks

best home fitness equipment less than £50 in stock cheap gym accessories.png

A pair of adjustable dumbbells

This water-filled adjustable dumbbell set is the perfect solution if you don’t want to buy multiple pairs or are limited with space (I live in a London flat, I can totally relate).

These dumbbells are super easy to carry (they only weigh 2.2 lbs without water) and go up to 20kg once filled.

This is the perfect, affordable piece of gym equipment for any home workouts. I’ve filmed a bunch of workouts with a kettlebell but you can use a dumbbell for all of them. For instance, check out this glute workout or this full body workout.

Price for the adjustable dumbbell set: £49.99

A suspension trainer

Cheap, portable and versatile: the suspension trainer is a home workout essential. You can even take it to the park, attach it to a tree and enjoy your outdoor workout.

This suspension trainer might be light but don’t worry, it can withstand several times your body weight (precisely up to 400kg).

You can train every muscle group with a suspension trainer and do several types of training, from resistance training to HIIT workouts and even stretching.

Price for this suspension trainer: £39.99

A kettlebell set

This kettlebell set includes 3 kettlebells (5, 10, 15 lbs) and a storage stand. You can do so many exercises with kettlebells and train your whole body, including your abs.

This is definitely something that will always come in handy even when gyms re-open. You’ll always be able to do a quick workout at home if you’re in a rush or to bring some weights with you a weekend away.

Price for the Kettlebell set: £47.99

A set of mini resistance bands

There are all sorts of resistance bands on the market. My favourite are mini bands. I think they are the most versatile. People tend to think they’re just good for glute activation when in reality you can do so much more. Mini bands can make your press ups harder, can challenge your shoulders and burn your triceps. Check out these mini band upper body moves.

If you were to only get one piece of equipment for your home workouts, I’d recommend getting mini bands. They are your cheapest option and definitely a home fitness essential.

Price for the set of mini bands: £13.99

An adjustable skipping rope

I love the fact that this PVC coated skipping rope has a length adjuster inside the handles, which means that you don’t have to make nods on the rope to not trip over it (#shortgirlproblems).

This rope has ergonomically shaped handles which makes skipping more comfortable.

Okay it might not be the most apartment friendly piece of fitness equipment but you can bring it to the park for a high intensity cardio session.

Price for the skipping rope: £12.99

An adjustable pull up bar (no drilling required!)

I repeat, no drilling required! This is a massive selling point. This pull up bar is designed to fit standard doorways or solid wall from 23-39 inches and you can basically put it up anywhere at home, in your garage or your office. It holds up to 100kg.

Not only you can do pull ups but also chin ups, hanging leg raises and all sorts of strength exercises. Definitely a home gym essential.

If you struggle with unassisted pull ups, just put a chair underneath the bar so that you can rest your feet between reps.

Price for the pull up bar: £22.99

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