What muscles does the Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press work?

This exercises mainly targets your shoulders and it also involves your upper back and triceps. Performing it seated (as opposed to the standing version) is a great beginner alternative as your back is supported.

The seated version also require less core stability, allowing you to lift heavier weights and focus more on your shoulder strength.

Both standing and seated versions are great shoulder-building exercises and have their place in a weight training programme.

How to perform the Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press?

Adjust the bench so that you can sit upright. Hold the dumbbells on your thighs as you get in position: feet flat on the floor, back and shoulders in contact with the bench and core engaged.

From here, raise the dumbbells just above your shoulders with your elbows pointing downwards and your wrists rigid.

Press the dumbbells overhead until they’re almost touching each other. Keep a very slight bend in your elbows to protect your joints. Then return to the starting position.

The video also demonstrates the alternating shoulder press, where you press one dumbbell at a time. This is a slightly more challenging version for core stability but a great unilateral exercise to add to your routine!

Video Demo

Pro Tips

  • Imagine that your arms are forming an arc above your head

  • You shouldn’t be able to see the dumbbells when they’re above your head. If you do then it means that your wrists are over your shoulders.

How to tell if you’re doing it right?

You manage to press the dumbbells overhead without swinging. Your backs stays in contact with the bench. If not then use a lighter weight.