What muscles do Renegade Rows work?

Renegade Rows are an anti-rotational core exercise. In other words, they develop your core strength and stability as you’re aiming to resist the rotation (not twisting your hips) when performing them.

How to perform Renegade Rows?

Holding a dumbbell in each hand, get into a high plank position. Your hands are under your shoulders, your core is engaged and glutes are squeezed. Look down. Your foot stance can be wider than your hips (the wider the stance, the easier it is).

Row with one arm, bending your elbow whilst keeping it close to your body. The dumbbell should get to your ribs or higher. Whilst doing this, focus on keeping your core engaged and your hips still. The whole purpose is to not let your upper body twist to the side that’s rowing.

Return to the starting position and repeat with the other arm.

Video demo:

Pro tips:

  • Start with light dumbbells and a wide foot stance. It’s not a strength exercise, it’s a functional exercise and the purpose is to resist the rotation, not lift as heavy as you can.

How to tell if you’re doing it right:

You are able to row whilst keeping your body still and resisting the rotation. If your core is twisting then modify your foot stance and use lighter weights.