What muscles do loaded carries work?

Loaded carries are functional exercises that train an essential movement pattern: locomotion on your two feet. They strengthen your back and core as well as your shoulders and arms. They have multiple benefits including improving your posture and core stability, helping you carry loads in your everyday life and increasing your grip strength.

How to perform loaded carries?

The video tutorial shows you 4 different carry variations that are great for beginners.
For all of them, here are the key things to pay attention to:

  • Roll your shoulders back and down instead of shrugging (even with the overhead carries).

  • Engage your core

  • Focus on your grip and feel how the rest of your body is tensing

Video demo:

Pro tips:

  • Using kettlebells instead of dumbbells will help with wrist stability.

How to tell if you’re doing it right:

You are able to walk and keep your good posture. If you can’t help but shrugging or are leaning too much on one side when doing unilateral carries then you need a lighter weight.