What muscles does the kettlebell double suitcase deadlift target?

The kettlebell double suitcase deadlift is a deadlift variation that mainly targets your back, but also your legs, your core and shoulders.

The deadlift is a complex exercise that requires some practice. Beginners can start with this variation or the conventional kettlebell deadlift before progressing onto the barbell deadlift.

How to perform a kettlebell double suitcase deadlift?

Start with your feet slightly narrower than hip width apart and a kettlebell outside each foot.

The main movement is the hip hinge: You will bend at your hips, not your lower back. In order to keep your spine neutral, focus on bracing your core, pulling your shoulders back and down and looking a few feet ahead of you (don’t lift your head up).

Bend your knees and hinge at the hips to bring your chest parallel to the floor and grab the kettlebells.

From here, drive through your heels to bring your hips forward until your upper body is upright and both kettlebells are either sides of your thighs. Carefully lean forward at your hips to put the weights back down.

Video Demo: 5 Kettlebell Deadlift Variations

Pro tips

  • When lowering the weights down, imagine shutting the door with your butt

  • Your hips, shoulders and head always form a straight line.

  • Before lifting the kettlebells up, send your shoulders back and down.

How to tell if you’re doing it right?

You keep a neutral spine throughout the movement and don’t feel any lower back pain. You are bending at your hips without rounding your back.