What muscles does the Cable Bicep Curl work?

The Cable Bicep Curl is a very good isolation exercise for your biceps.

How to perform the Cable Bicep Curl?

Bring the pulley to the bottom and attach a flat bar. Keep your feet flat on the floor and you knees slightly bent.

Grab the flat bar (one hand at each end) with a supinated grip (palms facing up). Extend your arms.

Keeping your upper arms against your body, bend your elbows to curl your upper arms. Pause at the top, when your hands are close to your shoulders. Return the the start position.

Video Demo

Pro tips

  • Avoid swinging your body or moving your upper arm otherwise you’ll work your biceps less than with strict curls.

  • Keep your wrists rigid (hands in line with your forearms)

How to tell if you’re doing it right?

It burns your biceps!