Working from home? 5 tips to maintain a balanced diet

Are you currently working from home and finding it hard to keep your diet under control? It’s normal. There’s more distractions and more temptations at home.

But, it doesn’t mean that you can let yourself go and snack all day until we’re back to normal.
So here are 5 simple tips that will help you maintain a structured diet and not throw your good habits out the window.

5 tips to keep your diet under control whilst working from home

1: Set up your "work station" outside your kitchen if possible so that you're only going there for your meals.

2: Take a proper lunch and dinner break. No emails, no TV, just you enjoying your meals.

3: Have 3 main, fulfilling meals with a balance of carbs, protein and healthy fats. Prioritise high fibre foods (legumes, greens, seeds...) that will keep you fuller for longer.

4: Avoid stockpiling chocolate and other treats. If there's no temptation in your house, you won't go out to get some!

5: Sit down to eat, even if it’s just a quick snack. This will help you eat more mindfully instead of standing in front of your fridge and losing track of how much you eat. For more tips on mindful eating, check out this dedicated blog post

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