Beginner-friendly full body workout - You just need dumbbells and a mat!

Looking for a full body workout with minimal equipment, that is suitable for beginners? Try this one! All you need is a few dumbbells (at least 2) and a mat. You can do it at home, at your gym or your hotel gym when travelling.

How to perform this full body workout?

  • Perform 3 sets for each exercise, with up to one minute rest between each set. I am demonstrating one set per exercise in the video tutorial.

  • Form first! Take your time to execute the movement properly.

  • If you want to make it more suitable for intermediate level: use heavier weights, or add an extra set for each exercise, or reduce the rest period to 30-45 seconds.

  • Make sure to warm up before you start. Here’s a warmup flow you can try.

The workout

Exercise 1: Bent over rows

This exercise mainly targets your back muscles. Ensure to keep your core tight and look down to keep your spine in neutral position.

One set = 10 reps

Exercise 2: Romanian deadlifts

This is a great exercise for your hamstrings but also your back, shoulders and core as your whole body is mobilised and under tension. Roll your shoulders back to avoid shrugging. Keep the dumbbells close to your legs as you go down, sending your hips back.

Stop when the dumbbells reach anywhere between below your knees and your ankles, depending on your flexibility.

One set = 10 reps

Exercise 3: Squat and press

I’m doing it with a kettlebell, but you can simply use a dumbbell (hold it horizontally, with the bulky parts in each hand).

This is a great full body exercise, targeting all your leg muscles, your core and your shoulders. Hold the weight close to your chest whilst squatting down. Once you’re back up, extend your arms overhead, then come back to starting position.

One set = 10 reps

Exercise 4: Alternating forward lunges

Lunges are a staple leg exercise. Holding a weight adds a bit of a challenge and works the core muscles.

Hold one dumbbell at chest level, engage your core and take a big step forward whilst bending both knees.

Try to stop just before the back knee touches the floor. Keep your core tight and look right in front of you, this will help with balance.

One set = 8 reps per side

Exercise 5: Bridge and pullover

This one will put your glutes, hamstrings, core, chest and shoulders to work. Start by bracing your core so that your full back is in contact with the floor. Maintaining this brace position, lift your hips up to a bridge position.

Now, extend your arms above your chest, holding a dumbbell. Slowly pull them behind your head until they almost reach the floor. Then come back to starting position.

Control is key here, so it bracing to maintain your bridge position. If this is a little bit too tricky for you now, break this one in two exercises: perform 10 glute bridges, then keep your hips on the floor and do 10 arm pullovers.

One set = 10 reps

Exercise 6: Plank with toe taps

Start in high plank position, arms extended and hands right under your shoulders. Brace your core and look down.

Keeping your legs straight, slightly lift one up and go tap the floor to the side with your toes. Bring the leg back and do the same on the other side.

One set = 10 reps per side

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